Guiding youth to lead healthy and safe lives.

In the News

Hoosier History Live
SHA CEO Tonja Eagan and other guests at the Hoosier History Live studio

Read, watch and listen to these news stories featuring Social Health Association of Indiana.

What can 100 women with $100,000 make happen?, The Indianapolis Star
Town Hall on School Safety, WIBC 93.1 FM

What can 100 women with $100,000 make happen?, IUPUI College News
HIV OUTBREAK: In tiny Austin, needle exchange is controversial, NUVO

School officials hope grant will reduce teen pregnancy, The Herald Bulletin
The History of HIV in Indiana, WICR 88.7 FM
Living With HIV & Bullying Advocate! featuring Paige Rawls, Living By Design

We’re making our own news! Have you seen our new :30 commercial? Share it with friends, teachers and school administrators.



Help us guide Indiana youth to lead healthy and safe lives.