Guiding youth to lead healthy and safe lives.

About LifeSmart Youth

80 Years Strong

Founded in 1943, LifeSmart Youth™ (formerly Social Health Association of Indiana) offers a variety of school-based health education programs that meet both the Indiana Academic Standards for Health Education and the schools’ desire to provide relevant, age-appropriate health information for Indiana students. In the past eight decades, we have provided health education focused on human growth and development, disease prevention, pregnancy prevention, personal safety and bullying prevention to more than one million students.

“I had similar programs in grade school and it made a major difference in the healthy choices I made growing up. Now I want to ensure my kids benefit from the same fact-based education.”

Alex Fritz, Former LifeSmart Youth Board President

LifeSmart Youth is committed to diversity for all clients, staff, and others associated with our organization. All clients, employees, and others will be treated fairly without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, present, past, or future service in a branch of the uniformed services of the United States, or (in the case of U.S. Citizens or intending citizens), citizenship. LifeSmart Youth adheres to an ethics and professional code of conduct for all employees.

Our Mission

LifeSmart Youth fosters successful lives by empowering youth to make responsible choices and adopt healthy behaviors.

Our Core Values & Beliefs

LifeSmart Youth believes:

  • Every person deserves respect
  • Everyone is equal
  • No one has the right to manipulate or use another person
  • Every person is responsible for their own actions and their consequences
  • Individuals have a right to receive age-appropriate, medically accurate information about their health

Our Vision

Within the state of Indiana, LifeSmart Youth will be known as the school health education program that is:

  • Best prepared to empower students in their quest to make wise and responsible decisions about their health
  • Best able to support youth in acquiring skills to reduce their health risk behaviors, thus enabling them to stay in school, excel in their studies, and be ready to become productive members of society
  • Trusted by parents who want to feel supported in their roles as educators of their children in matters regarding sexuality and peer violence
  • Of choice for school administrators who wish to have their students receive age appropriate, medically accurate, and effective instruction on health topics taught by degreed and experienced educators

Help us guide Indiana youth to lead healthy and safe lives.