Guiding youth to lead healthy and safe lives.

Human Growth & Development

Cut Through the Confusion

Puberty is an awkward and embarrassing time for most children. It can be difficult for kids to talk openly with their parents about what’s happening to their bodies, and easy to end up relying on misinformation spread by their ill-informed peers. Creating an open and honest environment where kids feel comfortable asking questions and learning about their developing bodies is the best way to ensure they make safe, healthy choices for themselves.

Human Growth & Development

While parents and guardians are the ones who ultimately teach their children to value their bodies and relationships, they do not always have all the facts they need to discuss the nuances of human growth and development. LifeSmart Youth offers age-appropriate, gender-specific, medically-accurate programs that teach students how to take care of their growing bodies—especially during the turbulent years of puberty.

“The program is very important for students to understand what changes their bodies are going through and ways they can help. Some do not get that information from home. The content is delivered in a professional yet relatable way for students.”

What Students Learn:

4th Grade

This program is offered in gender-specific classes.

By the end of the boys’ lesson, students will be able to:

  • Identify parents or other safe adults of whom they can ask questions about puberty and adolescent health issues.
  • List the physical changes that typically occur during puberty and identify the difference between social and emotional changes.
  • Describe the purpose of puberty and the basic functions of structures in the reproductive systems.
  • Explain that differences in the private area of the body are normal.
  • Identify when to seek help if personal injury occurs.

By the end of the girls’ lesson, students will be able to:

  • Identify parents or other safe adults of whom they can ask questions about puberty and adolescent health issues.
  • List the physical changes that typically occur during puberty, and identify the difference between social and emotional changes.
  • Describe the purpose of puberty and the basic functions of structures in the reproductive systems.
  • Understand the process of the menstrual cycle.
  • Identify products that a person may choose to use during menstruation.

5th Grade

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • Identify parents or other safe adults of whom they can ask questions about puberty and adolescent health issues.
  • Describe the purpose of puberty and the basic functions of structures in the male and female reproductive system.
  • Understand the process of the menstrual cycle.
  • Identify products that a person may choose to use during menstruation.
  • Define sexual intercourse as it relates to pregnancy.
  • Explain the basic process of reproduction.
  • Define sexual abstinence as the 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy.

6th Grade

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

  • Recall the basic process of reproduction.
  • Define what an STD is and identify how a person knows they have one.
  • Compare and contrast risks of pregnancy and STDs for vaginal sex, oral sex, and anal sex.
  • Identify sexual abstinence as the 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Determine other ways to express sexual feelings while remaining abstinent.
  • Identify various ways of preventing pregnancy and STDs.

Indiana law (IC 20-10.1-4-11) states, “when sexuality education is taught, abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage must be stressed. Instruction must teach that abstinence outside of marriage and a mutually monogamous relationship inside of marriage are the best ways to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems.” LifeSmart Youth adheres to Indiana’s legal requirements in our abstinence-based programs. We also utilize the medically accurate definition of abstinence as “not engaging in vaginal, oral, or anal sex.”

In accordance with Indiana law SB65, parents of the youth served by LifeSmart Youth are provided Opt In consent forms for the Human Growth & Development and 3Rs programs.

The one-session program in each grade level builds on the information offered the previous year. For more information or to schedule a program, contact us at (317) 667-0340 or

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Help us guide Indiana youth to lead healthy and safe lives.