Guiding youth to lead healthy and safe lives.

Abuse & Bullying Prevention

Teach Empathy to Prevent Cruelty

“Kids will be kids….”

How many times have you heard this statement, in reference to bullying? It’s not enough to tell kids to ignore their bullies or grow a tougher skin. Bullying is real and serious, and it has harmful consequences. Kids who are bullied are more likely to drop out of school, turn to drug and alcohol use, and engage in risky behaviors. And kids who do the bullying are more likely to acquire a serious criminal record by the time they reach adulthood.

As a parent, it’s scary to think about the different types of bullying our children face in this modern, technological era. With the prevalence of social media, bullying is now a 24/7, nonstop issue. It has changed the way bullying occurs and has increased its audience many times over. But we have an advantage over bullying—by teaching our children from a young age not only how to recognize and confront bullying, but how to be kind, generous, empathetic citizens, we can prevent bullying from ever happening in the first place.

After-School Safety Matters®

After School Safety Matters is a comprehensive, evidence-based curriculum for elementary school students in grades K-5. The program educates and empowers children and all relevant adults with information and strategies to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to bullying, cyberbullying, all types of abuse, and digital abuse dangers.

“I thought this program was fantastic and just what my students need! It actually moved me to tears and we’ve had great discussions after on both days!”

What Students Learn:

Session 1 – 5 Safety Rules

  • Learn the 5 safety rules: Know What’s Up; Spot Red Flags; Make a Move; Talk it Up; No Blame/No Shame
  • Learn who a safe adult is and how to choose safe adults
  • Identify at least two safe adults

Session 2 – Bullying

  • Discuss what bullying is and is not
  • Identify behaviors that can prevent bullying
  • Learn how to be an Upstander vs. a Bystander
  • Learn how to report bullying and how to talk to Safe Adults when they see or experience bullying
  • Learn how to use the Safety Rules to prevent, recognize, and respond to bullying

Session 3 – Cyberbullying

  • Discuss what cyberbullying is and is not
  • Identify behaviors that can prevent cyberbullying
  • Learn how to be an Upstander vs. a Bystander
  • Learn how to report cyberbullying and how to talk to Safe Adults when they see or experience cyberbullying
  • Learn how to use the Safety Rules to prevent, recognize, and respond to cyberbullying

Session 4 – Abuse

  • Learn how to recognize safe vs. unsafe situations
  • Identify the different types of abuse and red flags
  • Learn who abuses children—both adults and other children Identify private body parts
  • Learn how to talk to Safe Adults when they recognize an unsafe situation or have been hurt
  • Learn how to use the Safety Rules to help adults keep them safe from abuse
  • Learn how to report abuse

Session 5 – Digital Safety

  • Identify digital abuse and other dangers from digital technology
  • Identify grooming methods used by predators
  • Learn how to use Safety Rules to avoid digital dangers and how to be safe using digital technology
  • Learn how to identify and talk to Safe Adults when they need help using digital technology

Session 6 – Digital Citizenship

  • Good digital citizenship and the importance of creating a good digital reputation
  • How to use Safety Rules to avoid damaging their digital reputation
  • How to identify and talk to Safe Adults when they need help using digital technology

For more information or to schedule a program, contact us at (317) 667-0340 or

Help us guide Indiana youth to lead healthy and safe lives.