Guiding youth to lead healthy and safe lives.

#KeepTalking Video Series

A young woman shouting into a bullhorn is silhouetted against a blue and green colorblock pattern. The text reads “Working against Teen Dating Violence demands that we #KEEPTALKING”

In 2020, the Youth Advisory Council held a series of interviews with peers and safe adults to talk about Teen Dating Violence. Here in Indiana, we have one of the highest rates of teen dating violence in the country. Our Youth Advisory Council knows it’s time we start talking about it.

Our #KeepTalking Series features six videos compiled from these interviews which highlight key information to encourage conversations and increase our knowledge and awareness about healthy, unhealthy, and abusive teen relationships.

Video 1: Communication

It does not matter if you ask an adult or a teen, the common answer for the question of “What makes a healthy relationship?” is communication.

Video 2: Learning About Relationships

To work against the normalization of unhealthy behaviors, it is important to talk to young people directly about what healthy relationships look, sound, and feel like.

Video 3: How Common is Teen Dating Violence?

The statistics may be surprising, but becoming aware of the issue is just the first step.

Video 4: What are the Different Types of Abuse?

Abuse comes in many forms. Discussing types and signs of abuse with youth will help them recognize when their relationships might not be healthy.

Video 5: Where Do Safe Adults Come In?

If adults want healthy relationships with the teens in their lives, they must see youth as people and believe them.

Video 6: What Are the Next Steps?

It’s important for youth to be able to come forward about teen dating violence—and it’s equally important for adults to be there for them.


Help us guide Indiana youth to lead healthy and safe lives.