Guiding youth to lead healthy and safe lives.

How to Stop a Bully

Stop Bullyig

Tips for Indiana parents and educators

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists Indiana as the third worst state for bullying. In fact, one in 20 students in Indiana skips school because of bullying. But what is bullying and what can parents and educators do to prevent it?

Ask the Bullying Experts
Social Health Association of Indiana began teaching Step Up for Kindness!™ in schools across Indiana last year. The  curriculum teaches kindness, empathy, compassion and skills to address bullying and will be delivered to 31,000 youth ages 5-14 by 2016.

October is Bullying Prevention Month
Schools, parents, teachers and kids must work together to stop bullying. In support of Bullying Prevention Month and their day-to-day goal to empower youth to lead happy, healthy and safe lives, Social Health Association offers these resources.

Facts About Bullying
The Warning Signs of Bullying
Talking about Bullying
Cyber Safety
How to Report Bullying


Step Up for KindnessTo schedule Step Up for Kindness!™ or a Parent Information Session in your school, contact Social Health Association of Indiana or call (317) 638-3628.



Help us guide Indiana youth to lead healthy and safe lives.