Guiding youth to lead healthy and safe lives.

Safe Adults: Healthy vs. Unhealthy vs. Abusive Relationships

close up of teenagers holding hands showing healthy relationships


Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

This month, LSY has been raising awareness on social media about the issue of teen dating violence. This effort focuses on advocacy and education to stop dating abuse before it starts.

One topic we would like to share is about the many labels that can be put on dating relationships, and how sometimes it can be difficult to determine if a relationship is healthy, unhealthy, or abusive. Understanding the signs of each can help youth determine whether they should be in a dating relationship or not.

As a Trusted Adult, your guidance matters. Teach your child the warning signs, and tell them that verbal, emotional, and physical abuse are NOT acceptable.

Here are a few signs for each type of relationship:


  • effective communication
  • equal
  • honest
  • trustful
  • making mutual choices
  • respectful


  • lack of communication
  • dishonest
  • trying to have control
  • pressured into activities


  • harmful communication
  • controlling
  • isolating
  • mistreatment
  • denying that actions are abusive

Having open conversations about what healthy relationships look like will help guide youth into healthier situations and allow them to read the signs of unhealthy or abusive relationships.

Visit the links below to learn more about healthy relationships:

Join the conversation by following LifeSmart Youth on Facebook and Instagram! You can find us by searching “@LifeSmartYouth.” Be sure to check out our Youth Advisory Council’s teen campaign while you’re there!

Help us guide Indiana youth to lead healthy and safe lives.