Guiding youth to lead healthy and safe lives.

Safe Adults: Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Mother hugs teenage daughter; sexual assault awareness month


April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Within LifeSmart Youth’s Communicating with And Respecting Each other (CARE) program, Health Educators discuss sexual assault and sexual violence with students. Learning how to prevent sexual assault and sexual violence can be taught at younger ages by teaching youth age-appropriate information around their bodies and consent. Below are ways to incorporate learning with youth of different ages in your life.


  • Teach young kids actual names of body parts—this helps normalize bodies and makes it easier for young people to explain when something is wrong.
  • Explain how some body parts are “private.”
  • Talk about how it’s okay to say “no” to others, especially if it’s in response to something that makes them uncomfortable.


  • Be open to having honest conversations about sexual assault.
  • Use real life examples, such as things young people might see online or in the news.
  • Teach teens the importance of consent and setting sexual boundaries.

One big thing that every trusted adult can do for youth (of any age) is to make sure they (the trusted adult) make themselves open and available for honest conversations about tough topics.

To learn more about Sexual Assault Awareness Month or for more tips on talking to youth about sexual assault, check out the resources below.

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Help us guide Indiana youth to lead healthy and safe lives.