Guiding youth to lead healthy and safe lives.

Safe Adults: Back to School

Kids getting off bus to go back to school


Countdown to School

It’s time to go back to school! LifeSmart Youth hopes everyone had a safe and fun summer break, but now it’s time to get ready for a successful school year. First time kindergartener with worries about being away from home? Brand new high school freshman with anxiety about starting a new school? There are many things Trusted Adults can do to help ease every age back into a school routine.

Try these tips to fight the back-to-school blues:

  • Get back into a routine before school starts. That means reinforcing bedtime routines and morning routines. This will be good practice for when school is back in session.
  • Set expectations for the school year. Maintaining grades to participate in sports, music, jobs? Make sure these expectations are known and agreed upon before school starts.
  • Make time for celebrations. Survived the first day of school? Celebrate! Got a good grade on a test? Celebrate!
  • Expect speedbumps. Friendship troubles, unfinished homework, late morning starts are all eventually bound to happen. Be sure to give grace to yourself and your young people.

LifeSmart Youth is excited for another productive school year! For more back-to-school tips, check out the resources below.

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Help us guide Indiana youth to lead healthy and safe lives.