Guiding youth to lead healthy and safe lives.

Safe Adults: #TDVAM – Next Steps to Create Change

A young woman shouting into a bullhorn is silhouetted against a blue and green colorblock pattern. The text reads “Working against Teen Dating Violence demands that we #KEEPTALKING”


LifeSmart Youth Council #KeepTalking Series Focuses On Next Steps to Create Change

For the final video of the #KeepTalking Series, youth express how important it is to be able to come forward about teen dating violence and how equally important it is for adults to be there for them.

Week 5: What Are the Next Steps?

Here are some ways that parents and trusted adults can show up for youth and help prevent teen dating violence:

  • Recognize warning signs: It is important for youth to be able to spot warning signs in their own relationships and for adults to be able to spot them in youths’ relationships.
  • Teach youth to be assertive: Being up front about boundaries can help establish healthier relationships.
  • Encourage teens to report behaviors: Instead of shaming them or not believing them, let teens know that it’s okay to ask for help.
  • Provide information: The more youth learn about healthy and unhealthy relationships, the better able they are to prevent teen dating violence.

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month is coming to an end, but the work is not done. #KeepTalking and keep learning how you can help support young people in preventing and stopping teen dating violence by clicking the links below and by watching our videos on the LifeSmart Youth YouTube Channel.

The hashtag #TDVAM stands for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, which takes places during the month of February.

Like and Share our videos in honor of #TDVAM. The videos can be found on our LifeSmart Youth Facebook page and our LifeSmart Youth YouTube page as they are released each week.

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Help us guide Indiana youth to lead healthy and safe lives.